
This is really, really good.

December Madness...

Review: Cragbridge Hall, Book 1: The Inventor's Secret

Darn Gray Mafia... (Anagram Friday)

ARC Day!!

Monday's Keister Kick.. (Stomach Flu)

My Bags Are Already Packed...

Monday's Keister Kick: Goals. Set Them, Live Them, Love Them.

What time is it?

Farmyard Again (Anagram Friday)

Wednesday's Writing Rhetoric: Do It On Purpose

The Secret of Writing a Best Seller.. Revealed!!

Monday's Keister Kick (I'm kicking my A**.. Do you Mind?)

Rad Angry Mafia.. (Anagram Friday)

Writing Rhetoric.. (What it's all about?)

Monday's Keister Kick, (One Day at a Time)

A Fairy Grandma... (Anagram Friday)

Writing Rhetoric.. (Strength to say "Hunk oo")

Monday's Keister Kick... NaNoWriMo or Ant Farming

Damage A Nerdy Swan*... (Anagram Wednesday)

Writing Rhetoric.. (You suck.. and that's OK)

Friday's Keister Kick

Review: Monster Hunter Legion

A Weeny Sad Grandma* (Anagram Wednesday)

Cover Reveal..

Most Wonderful Time... Of The Year!

Time for a kick in the KEISTER


I'm Not A Peeping Tom.. Well, Not Really Anyway